9.9 Python 文档字符串. 进入 Python 标准库所在的目录. 检查每个 .py 文件看是否有__doc__ 字符串, 如果有, 对其格式进行适当的整理归类. 你的程序执行完毕后, 应该会生成一个漂亮的清单. 里边列出哪些模块有文档字符串, 以及文档字符串的内容. 清单最后附上那些没有文档字符串模块的名字.
import os#import pdbpath2search = '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7'modules2check = []def findPythonFiles(path2search): for eachItem in os.listdir(path2search): pathOfEachItem = os.path.join(path2search, eachItem) if os.path.isdir(pathOfEachItem): p = os.path.join(path2search, eachItem) #pdb.set_trace() findPythonFiles(pathOfEachItem) else: if os.path.splitext(eachItem)[1] == '.py': modules2check.append(os.path.join(path2search,eachItem)) return modules2checkif __name__ == '__main__': tempList = [] modules2check = findPythonFiles(path2search) for eachPyModule in modules2check: f = open(eachPyModule) isDoc = False for eachLine in f: # the 4 if or elif below can't be reordered. # check __doc__ like r"""sdfdsf""" if (eachLine.startswith('r"""') or eachLine.startswith('"""')) and len(eachLine) > 5 and eachLine.rstrip().endswith('"""'): tempList.append(eachLine) break # check the 1st line of __doc__ like r"""sdfsdf elif (eachLine.startswith('r"""') or eachLine.startswith('"""')) and isDoc == False: isDoc = True tempList.append(eachLine) # check the last line of __doc__ like sdfsdf""" elif eachLine.rstrip().endswith('"""') and isDoc == True: tempList.append(eachLine) isDoc = False break # check content within r""" and """" elif not (eachLine.startswith('r"""') or eachLine.startswith('"""')) and isDoc == True: tempList.append(eachLine) # write name of module that doesn't have __doc__ into file hasnodoc.txt else: f2 = open("hasnodoc.txt","a+") f2.write('Name: ' + eachPyModule + '\n\n') f2.close() tempList = [] # write name and content of module that has __doc__ into file hasdoc.txt if tempList != []: f1 = open("hasdoc.txt","a+") f1.write('Name: ' + eachPyModule + '\n\n') f1.writelines(tempList) f1.close() tempList = []